Saturday, July 25

PUBG DataSet Analysis with Pandas

Very basic level analysis with pubg dataset could be done by me with some junior level knowledge on pandas library

Dataset Link : PUBG DATASET
Dataset Analysis : Analysis on DATASET

Wednesday, July 22

Hierarchical indexing in pandas

Hierarchical indexing is an important feature of pandas enabling you to have multiple (two or more) index level on axis.  Somewhat abstractly , it provides a way for you to work with higher dimensional data in  lower dimensional form.
       Let's start  

                             Click Here To Know More

Saturday, July 18

Simple application on Iris flower

                                     Click here to know more

Friday, July 17

Reindex function in Pandas

=> A critical method on pandas object is reindex .
=> Which means to create a new object with the data confirmed to a new index .
=> Introducing missing values if any index values were not already present :

Thursday, July 16

Random Walks example Using Numpy module

An illustrative application of utilizing array operation is in the simulation of random walks. Let's first consider a simple random walks starting at 0 with steps of 1 and -1 occurring with equal probability.   
                    The walk is simply the cumulative sum of the random steps and could be evaluated as an array expression. Thus, I use the np.random module to draw 1000 coin flips at once ,set these to 1 to -1, and compute the cumulative sum :

Wednesday, July 15

meshgrid and where functions in Numpy

meshgrid () :-
     => It takes two 1D arrays and produces two 2D matrices corresponding to all pairs for (x,y) in             the two arrays.


where () :-
    => The numpy.where() function is a vectorized version of the ternary expression .
                ex : x if condition else y .



Tuesday, July 14

Fancy Indexing in Numpy

         => Fancy indexing is a term adopted by Numpy to describe indexing using integer arrays.
         => To select out a subset of the rows in a particular order .
         => You can pass either list or array of elements .
         => It also supports negative indices select rows from the end .

Thursday, June 4

How to Add two Dictionaries in Python

You need to first create the two dictionaries 

>>> d1 = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3} # dictionary 1
>>> d2 = {'d':4,'e':5,'f':6} # dictionary 2

for add two dictionaries you have to use the Exponent operator like below 
          >>> d3 = { **d1, **d2 }

Python Memory Management

Characters in Python Memory Management 

1. Python private heap space
2. Python's Memory Manager
3. Python Interpreter
4. Garbage Collector

                        First of all memory related things are all managed in Python private heap area and data also be stored in here (PHPPS), Only interpreter can access the private heap space ,not possible to access programmers or any else persons.
                                        The Python's Memory Manager will take care to allocation of heap space for objects ,here objects means the data that is presently you created and managed by using python language.
                Garbage Collector are responsible for take back the unused data by internally  applying gc() method .

 Click here to learn more

Wednesday, May 27

Best Python Textbooks for Beginners

1. Python Crash Course 
2. Learn Python The Hard Way
3. Python CookBook

Top 3 online sites for E-learning

1. Edx

Free Resume Templates for Professionals

Are you looking for change the regular pattern into new patterns in resumes, then why are you waiting ,simply click the blow link and download new templates what you like.  
                                                 Click here to download

Tuesday, May 26

Which one is better for you ?

Many peoples have confession about which programming language is better, for this I advice .
1. You must have strong knowledge on C programming
2. Now a days most of the companies prefer JAVA and PYTHON and C#  etc ..... 
3. Dig out your skills and take a language that related to your skills. 
4. I mostly recommended JAVA 
5. PYTHON is also a good choice for future developers. 

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